Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

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Gentex’s diversity, equity & inclusion initiatives are supported by our DE&I Council, which helps implement specific diversity programs, supports internal training, and creates opportunities to spread awareness throughout the organization. The Council is led by Joe Matthews, vice president of diversity, equity & inclusion. 

DEI Council

In 2018, Gentex CEO and President Steve Downing appointed Joe Matthews as the company’s first diversity officer. Joe pulled together a council of cross-departmental employees to work alongside him to develop DEI initiatives.

The council members work on projects to support an inclusive work environment at Gentex.

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The DEI council helped create three Values in Action to serve as Gentex’s diversity, equity and inclusion mission. Those values are:

Cultivating a culture of inclusion where every team member belongs.

Valuing differences and our team members’ unique contributions.

Creating a positive environment where all team members have the opportunity to thrive.

5 Sectors for DEI

When considering new DEI initiatives at Gentex, there are five areas we consider. They are: 

  • Workplace
    • How do employees view where they work? 
  • Workforce
    • How do we get world-class talent from all backgrounds? 
  • Community
    • Are we valued in the community where our employees work, serve, live, and play? 
  • Marketplace
    • How do we reach diverse clientele and turn them into loyal customers?
  • Supplier
    • How can we broaden our supplier base? 
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Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Program

In 2020, Gentex embarked on an exciting inclusion initiative to support a second language in our workforce. In the West Michigan area, Spanish is the second most popular language spoken, so Gentex piloted a Limited English Proficiency Program for Spanish-speaking individuals.

The program started in one facility on one shift, on one line, now, it operates on all three shifts in two facilities and on many lines.

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